
Showing posts from December, 2017

Other processes for snow white T.I.E

We created a google slides where we continuously added certain things relating to the preparation of our performance so we had made a slide for the sound effects needed for each scene which was: We created this list of sound effects to create an ambience and an atmosphere during the performance and to allow the audience to understand the setting of the scene merely through the sound effects without having a proper set. At first we had thunder for the evil queen introduction but then we found a more suitable clip which was more scary and mystical which was played each time the evil witch came out. Towards the end we also found the magical harp sound for the FRIENDS acrostic poem.  Another slide than we had on our google slides was for the props, which was also an on-going process to keep track of what we already had and what we still needed. Once we had acquired the props on the list we would tick them off. A number of our props were taken from our high school resources and teachers l

Process of costumes

When we began in the first 2 weeks we didn't have many of the costumes and props for costumes but when looking through the costumes and props in the drama room we were able to find some costumes that we could use, so we started with only having the: - Announcer outfit + the bow tie - Evil queen cape + witch nose - Boxing match robes In the next 2 weeks we each needed to bring some pieces of the costumes for the dwarfs as we had nothing for the dwarfs to wear, so we managed to bring in: - Dwarf beanies   - Axes     - Dwarf beards   In the following 2 weeks we needed to bring some of the smaller props for the costumes and for some of the scenes like the fight scene and the old lady (evil witch) abduction scene, so we managed to bring in the: - boxing gloves - old lady cane  - witch hat In the final three weeks we needed to bring in the more vital costumes for the play which consisted of the snow white costumes and the remaining of the

T.I.E idea process

Before deciding on what we wanted to base our performance on we decided to make the message about friendship because children in year 4 struggle with how to deal with friendship in a sophisticated manner, so the message we decided on was friendship, not fighting with one another, and resolving problems. Once we decided the message we wanted to portray we started looking at different fairytales to base our play on, we looked at Jack and Jill, Snow white, Cinderella, Jack and the beanstalk, Pinocchio, Hansel and Gretel, once looking at the storylines of each of these fairytales we decided on using Snow white because of the strong friendship between the dwarfs and snow white, so we used this story line so we could take advantage of the existing presence of friendship. The first part of the performance we devised was the introduction HI HO scene, where we are mining and dancing around with our axes. As the weeks went on we decided to use the HI HO scene to introduce the dwarfs so we s

Snow White T.I.E performance reflection

I believe that the moments in which we interacted with the audience were extremely successful as that allowed them to be apart of the performance and understand the message we were trying to portray more clearly. Moments like this include when the evil witch asked them to do the evil laugh, and the evil witch responded with that their laugh was rubbish, this allowed the audience to develop a dislike towards the evil witch and support snow white throughout the performance, especially when the evil witch asked who the fairest of them all was, they responded with snow white, and when the evil witch posed as an old lady the audience tried to warn snow white. Not only was this kind of interaction successful, the game show section of the performance was extremely successful as this made sure that the audience was paying attention and were able to answer the questions, which ensured that we were delivering our message about friendship successfully.  I believe that we could've improv