Planning for Collaborative project

Location for performance:

We visiting several areas around the school to plan out which location could be suitable for our performance, a location that allows us to use our space differently, allows us to use different levels, and brainstorm new ideas, and we narrowed it down to 3 locations:

Our first Location was the stairs along with the area under the stairs:

Once we saw this location a number of ideas flooded our heads, from the space we could use, to the ideas this locations permits us to form. 

We could either have the audience sitting in front of the end of the stairs, so that they can view scenes on the stairs and beside the stairs as well as outside the window

Or we could either have them sit beside the stairs against the wall where they could see under the stairs, through the window, above the stairs, and the left space

This section behind the stairs would be used for transitions and hiding

But it can also be used for verbal scenes that the audience cannot see

We thought that we can use this small window to our advantage by miming scenes from the outside

As well as creating a setting behind the window to suggest a location, we can do this by drawing backdrops on cardboard, an example could be a skyline, a house, etc. 

Our second Location was the lobby/main entrance of the school:

This location provided us with an extremely large space in which we can use to our advantage, where more resources could be incorporated.

When we saw the space and the levels of the location we though it could be a good idea to have us perform on the 3 different levels whilst having the audience on the ground floor, and the levels could represent status.

We also had the idea of using instruments such as a piano to play in the background during our performance to create a sort of ambience and could help build up the story

Our final Location was an outdoor intersection between certain classrooms in HS:

Once we saw the rustic vibes and the large space this location provided us many ideas also came to mind

We thought that we could use the number of windows to our advantage, by opening the windows a scene could be performed in a class whilst the audience is in this location. Or once again to create a setting backdrops could be drawn to place behind the windows to suggest a location.

The levels this area provided us also allowed a wider scope of ideas, as we can project different things on the different levels to represent different statuses.

The area at the bottom also gives as space to separate scenes through the usage of the wall pillar.


  1. These photos look great; let's remember to think about all of the performance material we create in class in terms of how it would work in the spaces you might be performing in. Don't forget to use the terminology: 'site specific performance'. Well done.


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