British Pantomime


Its an unusual form theatre that is suitable for children but parents as well, so its for families, its a type of theatre that has evolved to being watched on Christmas even though it wasn't originally meant to only be seen on theatre. Its comedy and is all based on fairytales in a humorous way. The conventions within pantomime is that there is often a male playing a female role, it is usually obvious, with ridiculous costumes, and speak in high pitched voices. If there is a really young male character sometimes its played by a woman , which adds to the humor, as when it adds sexual innuendoes it brings humor to the performance. There are lines of dialogue that used in the pantomime and there fourth wall is usually broken, interact with the audience. They will have good and evil characters, and audience will boo for the evil character. Its very interactive and enjoyable. For the past 15 years British TV stars have been used for this art form in order for it to not die down. Over the top and very colorful stage setting, with a cartoonish theme. There is an element of improvisation within this art form when it comes to the audience interaction, which is why it is said to be similar to commedia dell'arte.

British Pantomime origins:

It developed partly from the Commedia dell'arte tradition of the 16th century of Italy and other European and British stage traditions, such as 17th century masques and music hall. It dates back to the middle ages, including a blend of Commedia dell'arte, and the British Music hall to produce this art form.

Examples of British Pantomime:

- THE ‘DAME’ (widow twanky) is the principal boy part which is one well-established theatrical convention; an even older one was that of men playing female roles.
- Exaggerates costumes and sets 
- Lots of jokes and jokes directed to the audience 
- Responses from the audience, strong interaction between the actors and audience 
- Some slapstick comedy 


- Are designed to attract the audience 
- bright colors and visually appealing for a younger audience 
- Massive wigs for the Daim characters 
- Over exaggerated and ridiculous costumes, for comedic purposes  

Attempt on Pantomime:


  1. Don't forget to add the video of you all trying out this genre and any observations about it!


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