Snow white play brainstorming

Scene 1:
(Dwarves go along with song, introduce themselves, mine a bit, throw the block)

Snow white introduction scene

Evil queen introduction scene:
Evil queen: What are you peasants doing in my castle, who invited you in here, GUARD, what are they doing here!!!
Guard: these is your towns people
Evil queen: i can't even keep my townspeople under control, and why do i keep hearing about snow white
Guard: well she's snow white the most beautiful and kind girl in the valley   
Evil queen: this is outrageous, i brought up that child, she is the way she is because of me!!!!

Peasants Peasants on the floor who's the fairest of them all (if they don't respond say I SAID WHO'S THE FAIREST OF THEM ALL)

After dwarves finish mining, they go back home wake up snow white, show her the diamonds collected, she asks us to do her chores, dwarves start to feel she's being bossy.

Snow white gets taken by evil queen

Fight scene between grumpy and dopey because of arguing
Boxing ring, announcer, ring lady, mic, etc.


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