
Showing posts from September, 2017

Roman theatre

Romans were extremely powerful in battles and overpowered most of Europe due to victory in battles. The romans borrowed extensively from Greek theatre Roman inherited the land, so the theatres, rather than being instrumental in the evolution of theatre We still use the word play which comes from Roman times Roman theatre took two forms, and translated the Greek plays into Latin, claiming it to be theirs There were original plays but they were based off Greek plays Terence lives from 119-150 BC, he created sub plots to allow their plays to become more intricate and individuals responses to events These plays were usually a reflection of society itself They took slaves and got them to fight against each other, or lions They watched battles between gladiators, this was diluting theatre as theatre was important in Greek times but in Roman times it devolved to violence. Forms of entertainment went downhill Roman plays were made to be read or recited rather than actuall

Attempt on acting in cannon

Factors of Greek theatre in detail

Thespian: Anyone related to drama and theatre, this is because one of the performances was called Thespis, so this evolved to the word thespian which relates to anyone involved in acting Factors of Greek theatre that are in theatre these days: Orchestra Sceny: which is now known as scene, where they bring on and off pieces of scenery Chorus The form of the play/plot itself Greek theatre was dominated by 5 playwrights, one would be Sophocles who created Oedipus rex, Euripides who developed a naturalistic and realistic piece of drama on stage and formalized conventions of theatre that we know now. Aristotle, created the ethos, pathos, logos triangle His formula for plots, for a ‘well made play’ (he said the Oedipus rex was a perfect example of this): Exposition - exposing a situation or problem or conflict, an occurrence/happening  (in Oedipus rex, the king and queen don't want the child because of the prophecy which was that the child would kill his father and marr

Outline for Snow White performance

We went over the Opening scene where we dance to hi ho and introduce ourselves during the song Then we created the scene where the dwarfs leave to find snow after hearing her scream, while they are trying to find her, they begin to argue on which way they should go and who is right, which leads to the fight scene which we went over again.  

Theatre history unit

Origin of theatre: Rituals , which turned into ceremonies Different rituals or ceremonies incorporate methods of telling stories Ex. Hakka, could be story about a battle in the old ages The greek were the first to build a permanent structure like a theatre, they established theatre as an art form. The buildings were small but they built enormous theatres. They built it on a hill side for the acoustics as they didn't have microphones so the hills would amplify the sound in the theatre. Almost every greek city had a theatre and originally plays were performed to honor Dionysus, the ancient Greek god of harvest and wine. They were build in hillsides, could hold more than 18,000 spectators, built in a semi-circular shape. The shape gave everyone a could view and could hear well The chorus was a group of actors that chanted, sang and danced They performed on a flat circular area called the orchestra They told the audience about the characters, they commented on the

Practice videos

Beginning scene: Fight scene:

Snow white play brainstorming

Scene 1: (Dwarves go along with song, introduce themselves, mine a bit, throw the block) Snow white introduction scene Evil queen introduction scene: Evil queen: What are you peasants doing in my castle, who invited you in here, GUARD, what are they doing here!!! Guard: these is your towns people Evil queen: i can't even keep my townspeople under control, and why do i keep hearing about snow white Guard: well she's snow white the most beautiful and kind girl in the valley    Evil queen: this is outrageous, i brought up that child, she is the way she is because of me!!!! Peasants Peasants on the floor who's the fairest of them all (if they don't respond say I SAID WHO'S THE FAIREST OF THEM ALL) After dwarves finish mining, they go back home wake up snow white, show her the diamonds collected, she asks us to do her chores, dwarves start to feel she's being bossy. Snow white gets taken by evil queen Fight scene between grump

Production outline

We have decided to base our performance off Snow white and the 7 dwarfs. The story will revolve around snow white first taking advantage of her friendship with the dwarfs as she is considered the fairest of them all, but she then gets taken by the evil queen. The dwarfs are constantly disagreeing and not being friendly with one another while trying to save snow white, then one of the dwarfs says guys we should work together and be good friends to one another otherwise we wont save snow white, then they save snow white because they worked together and snow white apologizes for mistreating them and taking advantage of them. Characters: Snow white- Melissa Evil queen- Grace Grumpy- Grace Happy- Krish Sleepy- Krish Bashful- Deniz Dopey- Deniz Doc- Melissa


TIE - can be described as using theatre for an educational purpose Theatre in education can be used in developing countries who don't have access to education Is not a generic term, however it's now recognized to be a specific process It is an interactive process which includes interactions between actors and the audience Drama is the medium by which we are teaching them about other issues, drama is being used to portray messages and issues, TIE is not about drama education Is not easily categorised, since its nature, role and status vary Often focuses on establishing and extending links with the local community, in order to give an informed awareness of what theatre is and how it works Creates an audience for the future, as part of a marketing strategy or community development plan TIE is not only in schools, it is performed in various places, although there is children’s theatre which is directed to a child's mind Has a specific target audienc