
Showing posts from June, 2018

Research presentation progress

I have decided to speak about the theatre form: Punch and Judy, and the specific convention I would like to focus on is the changing of voice. May 17 2018, Lesson 1: In this lesson I watched a few videos of the voice of Punch as it is the most complex voice to embody without a swazzle, the professor suggested that beginners learning the voice began by reciting the alphabet and alternating between a normal voice and Punch's voice, so I tried that out for myself. I focused on making my voice more gravelly through the usage of a higher pitch. I also realized that as I was doing the voice I tended to life my face in order to get the voice out, so in following sessions the incorporation of face warmups may help me reach my goal: I considered trying to make a swazzle from scratch in order to demonstrate my understanding of the convention, so I searched up a method to do this, hopefully I will be able to get it done for my final research presentation. Videos and resources used